Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quebec is different, even for dogs

As a Canadian marketer, I’m aware of the importance of understanding the environment in Quebec.  For many years, I’ve been reminded that “Quebec is different.”  It took me a minute to recognize that this CBC Radio interview, “Montreal bylaw requires dogs understand commands in both official languages,” is a parody, and a really funny one at that.  If you understand the humor in it, you’re probably Canadian.  If not, then you need someone who understands Canada to manage your Canadian marketing programs.

It's definitely worth listening to the clip!

Backwards licensing?

Camaro die-cast cars were always top sellers when I managed the Hot Wheels brand at Mattel and the Matchbox brand at Tyco.  As toy companies, we paid royalties to General Motors for the use of the Camaro trademark and were always excited when new models were released.  In an unusual twist, it’s now working the other way as License Magazine reports that “Chevrolet and Mattel have teamed up to bring the Hot Wheels brand to life with the new Camaro Hot Wheels Edition car, the first full-size Hot Wheels car ever to be offered for sale.”

Coincidentally, I appeared with the Matchbox design team on an episode of the PBS series "Reading Rainbow," where I used a Chevrolet Camaro to demonstrate how we used the concept of scale to make mini vehicle replicas of real cars.  Here's an image from the episode.  If you really want to see the episode, you can search YouTube.

The Hot Wheels license on a Camaro is a great idea!  Kudos to GM and Mattel.

Dogs like toys too!

This summer, I wrote about a university study that "revealed" that kids like toys, as demonstrated by the fact that toys impact their choices in promotional fast food meals.  In equally shocking news, another university study published a scientific look at “Why Dogs Find SomeToys Boring,” with Discovery News reporting that “at least one of the many reasons why dogs make such good pets is that they are renowned for routinely engaging in play, even as adults.” 

I have been fortunate to work with institutes of higher learning to conduct research, assess play patterns, and learn about kids.  Scientific study in these areas can be genuinely worthwhile.  This dog toy study...not so much.

Read the story here.

Do 1.2 million YouTube views matter?

Just over a year ago, I posted my best commercials on YouTube and wrote about it here.  My main goal was to have an online point of reference for my clients and prospective clients in toys and kids’ entertainment.  Since then, Purple Husky’s YouTube channel has had an astonishing 1.2 million views, vastly exceeding my expectations. 

As I work on social media programs for my clients’ brands, I’m always careful to emphasize that it’s crucial that they reach their true target consumers to create awareness or tune in or product sales.  While I’m grateful that Purple Husky’s YouTube presence has generated big traffic, it reinforces how important it is to pay attention to the quality of interactions, not just the quantity.